Happy New Year to all! 2 year anniversary of Orgcomplexity…

I literally rang in the new year of 2013 with the birth of this blog. Since that humble start, I am so grateful for all of you that have faithfully followed my work. I have been fortunate enough to have some great contributors that had something really cool to say about systems thinking and policy stuff. My book became a reality November 2014. The book had a great start and continues to find new people interested in my approach to public policy from a systems perspective. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

About Michele Battle-Fisher

This is an archive of the Orgcomplexity Blog. Please follow me at the following sites: mbattlefisher.wix.com/orgcomplexity Michele Battle-Fisher (Facebook author page) www.linkedin.com/in/mbattlefisher mbattlefisher (Twitter) michele.battle.fisher (Skype) Author Website http://amazon.com/author/michelebattlefisher

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